more than plenty

Last night I actually did make it to the U District to see the movie I originally intended to see on Wednesday, so when I got home again I barely had enough time before bed to write a review for Dark Waters, about DuPont poisoning all of us and starring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway.
You know what, though? I made the very smart decision of leaving work ten minutes earlier than usual, at 4:20. My estimation that it would take me twenty minutes to walk to Fairview Avenue was a bit off, as it was 4:46 by the time I got there. I still easily got there faster than any bus. I got there just in time to hop onto a #63 northbound express, and still, it was about 5:10—the published movie showtime—when I got off that bus on 45th. Even taking a bus part of the way, it took me 50 minutes to get there. That theater is 4.4 miles from work and Google Maps estimates it would take at least 90 minutes to walk the entire way, so I definitely still saved some time by getting on that bus. I can take some comfort in that, I guess.
I still had to use the bathroom before going into the movie, but that was fine; as always, the trailers before the movie ran for roughly 25 minutes. I should really add that number to all estimated movie run times any time I go to the movies, minus at least 5 minutes for end credits that I almost never sit through. Dark Waters runs 126 minutes, 121 at least without the credits, but add 25 minutes to that and you've got 146 minutes. So, that 5:10 movie showing let out (excluding end credits) at roughly 7:56. The credits must have been longer than 5 minutes though because I know it was like 7:49 or something; it was before 7:50. I barely made it to the stop in time to catch the #49 home and I got home at 8:18, which I know because Shobhit texted me at that time from work to ask if I was home and I had just arrived.

I ate way too much holiday candy samples at work yesterday. It was truly ridiculous. I just had a small plate of crackers and cheese for dinner. The strategy seems to have worked: miraculously, I was actually down about one pound today. I have Happy Hour with Laney tonight though so tomorrow may be different.
Is there anything else for me to tell you now? I can't say that there is. My upcoming weekend will likely be far less eventful than last weekend's, unless I somehow manage to hang out with both Gabriel and Danielle one day each, which I am actually somewhat aiming for. We'll see. I need to get Danielle's Christmas present to her, and we haven't seen each other or even talked, aside from a couple of texts and Facebook comments, since we got back from Las Vegas in early October.
The week thereafter, though, is set to be very eventful: movie Monday night; holiday activities with the Merchandising Department Tuesday afternoon as well as evening, attending the Seattle Men's Chorus concert; Shobhit and I just today made plans to attend the Vegetarians of Washington monthly dinner on Wednesday; The Rise of Skywalker with Gabriel on Thursday; Cats with booze and Laney on Friday. I literally have something every weekday evening next week. And then the "holiday tour" with Laney and maybe Jessica on Sunday the 22nd, where we go to the Holiday Carousel and Gingerbread Village. I haven't done that with her since 2016, and this will be the fourth time ever with her in particular. Just this morning I updated the Gingerbread Village photo albums collection so the history includes, not just what each year's theme was (which I updated some time ago), but also who I went with, and whenever it had been noted, how long we waited in line for it.
Shobhit will be working this year. I've gone to it with him six times before, including last year when we waited an astonishing two hours in line. I went with Gabriel four times before, all of them with Kornelija as well; Barbara also has four years of it with me, all of them 2006-2009, before she moved back to Virginia in 2010. The only time it's been with someone other than any of them has been when Gina and Beth came up for a holiday season day visit in 2017.
Well, there you have it. I guess I've written plenty now.

[posted 12:36 pm]