Matthew, 45 Year Old Gay Man

I think I mentioned, maybe the week before last, that I got interviewed by a Seattle Times reporter for a piece she was doing on Seattle Pride being virtual again this year. I asked her then when the piece would run, and she seemed to think it would run on Pride Sunday itself. That seemed oddly late for it to happen, but I thought, whatever.
I don't know why I waited so long to finally look it up. Pride Sunday was three days ago now, and I only thought to search this morning. The piece actually ran on Friday, which means I could have shared it as many as two days before Pride Sunday—and at least a day before the start of the Capitol Hill Pride Festival (also, the difference between that and Seattle Pride was clearly not a distinction this writer understood, although to be fair I did not spend much time clarifying that in particular during our conversation).
I'm quoted kind of surprisingly heavily in it. You can read it here; the last several small paragraphs are dedicated to my "quotes"—which, by the way, are not even close to verbatim. And although as a general rule I'm fine with being considered "a gay man," I can guarantee you I never used the phrase "as a gay man" while actually talking to her.
I'm sure some people I regularly write about (especially Gabriel) might read this and think I'm finally getting a taste of my own medicine here. Maybe. I don't feel misrepresented particularly, though; the quotes still represent the spirit of the things I said, for the most part. I'm certainly not going to lose sleep over it. I do keep thinking about when I wrote for the Seattle Gay News and Seattle Gay Standard between 1999 and 2001, though. I was always extremely careful about writing down what people said verbatim, as I was always concerned about quoting people accurately. This writer, apparently, not so much.

Weather update! The official high at SeaTac yesterday was apparently 84°, although there was a point where my weather app, which is for Seattle proper, did show closer to, I think, 89°. It was still very warm, but amazingly, this has to have been the first time in my life where temperatures pushing 90° still felt like a relief compared to what had just occurred the couple of days prior. That's a very weird experience.
The condo got rather warm, and oddly, I have no clue how or why this would be, the bedroom stayed noticeably cooler than the living room—even though we had a fan running in both rooms. The temperature during my bike ride this morning was 62°, 2° cooler even than it had been yesterday morning, and holy fuck did I love it! The forecast high today is 81°, still a fair amount above the normal of 74°, but I'll fucking take it. Another, comparatively moderate warming is set to start by Friday, with upper eighties again by the weekend, and I don't even care. As long as we stay below 90° I'm good! Also I think Shobhit and I will likely go to Danielle's again on the evening of the 4th of July after he's done with work, and having weather like that will suit us fine. Right now the forecast for Sunday is 84°.
There's not a lot to report about last night otherwise. Shobhit was home most of the evening after he got off work at 6:00, but I spent most of the time in the bedroom, watching funny YouTube videos or listening to music and captioning photos from as far back as the trip to Portland. I turned on the oven to reheat naan breads to have with leftovers for dinner, and Shobhit had a minor conniption because of the added heat. I didn't even think about that; the oven really does not add as much heat to the condo as he is convinced it does; and it was nowhere near as hot yesterday anyway. Still, after he flipped his lid, yelling at me from the couch, he just sat there with this seemingly permanent scowl on his face and still staring at me. "How long are you going to make that face?" I said. I then just dished my food up after transferring the naan to the microwave and went back to the bedroom. There's no reason to reward completely out of proportion angry outbursts.

[posted 12:38 pm]