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taco town


-- चार हजार दो सौ और अस्सी चार --

Shobhit and I had tacos for dinner last night. They were delicious! Aren't you thrilled for us? This is the exciting content you keep coming back for. So I'm going to tell you more about it!

I fried up Yves Veggie Ground and added a can of black beans; later Shobhit chopped up bell pepper and then we also added diced onion and tomato. I also added a packet of taco seasoning I got as a sample from work some time ago, which really did enhance it well. So then I had taco filling, to which I added the cheese I grated and a few lettuce leaves, and voila! -- veggie tacos.

Not long after that, Shobhit made what he likes to call a "mango shake." You have to bear in mind that to Indians, "shake" just means blended with milk -- not ice cream. Ice cream would have been great, actually. This was more like a mango smoothie, though, blended with cardamom and milk and sugar. It was quite tasty, actually. Shobhit was afraid the mango wasn't soft enough but it worked well after all.

Anyway, we watched episode four of Wild Wild Country while we ate, and things are getting pretty nuts with that story. We also watched this week's Modern Family, one episode of the old Roseanne on Amazon (even though I've now gone on record regarding my decision not to watch the reboot -- I may check it out in a year or so, when the current press about its "huge ratings" no longer matters, and will have no relevance to its current advertisers). We worked a little on a crossword we never finished. I went to bed around 10:00, but wasn't asleep for another 45 minutes or so.

-- चार हजार दो सौ और अस्सी चार --


-- चार हजार दो सौ और अस्सी चार --

Well, I thought I would be telling you today's DLU is posting a bit later than usual because we just had our latest "Town Hall," with lunch provided. And we did just have those things, but a miracle occurred and the Town Hall, which started at 11 a.m., didn't even last a full hour. They have more typically lasted ninety minutes in the past, sometimes even just short of two hours.

I guess it just depends on what needs to get covered, and we didn't have a whole lot to cover today. There were updates on the Burien store, slated to open "May-ish." I was surprised there was no mention at all of the announced Rainier Square Tower store, but then, that announcement has already been made and it's way too early for any new information on that.

Something rather fascinating did come up about the Burien store: apparently the store will feature a communal, co-ed bathroom, only the third of its kind in the state, according to Lori. She said it caught the attention of the City of Burien to such a degree that they had to get approval from their city council (really? really), which they did get. I'm especially interested in seeing this store now for two reasons: first and foremost, that bathroom (I would love it if all bathrooms were coed, like on Battlestar Galactica); and secondly, it will be the first store -- finally -- to have a storefront sign actually using our new logo, which was first unveiled last September. It really annoys me that all the stores still have the old logo, which is by far the most visible thing, after so much work was done co-op wide to unveil the company's "new look" literally overnight. What was the point?

Incidentally, the Bothell store, which opened in 2016 -- two years ago now -- remains the only store I have never visited personally. It's by some distance the farthest away from my home, though, at roughly 20 miles -- Issaquah, now second-farthest at 15.8 miles, is more readily accessible right off of I-90 on the way out of town eastward. I don't often go to Bothell, although Shobhit's cousin's family does live up there. Maybe next time we go to their house I should make a point of visiting the store. Scott has told me before he would give me a ride up there one of these days when he has to go up there during work, but it's just never happened.

Anyway. The lunch they provided us today was very good, an unusual diversity of options, including three different kinds of deviled eggs, clearly due to it being Easter weekend. I'm feeling very satisfied at the moment.

-- चार हजार दो सौ और अस्सी चार --


[posted 12:42 pm]