Sat, 12:50: Mystified by the discovery of what appears to be a 1/3-used packet of birth control pills under piles of papers on my bedroom desk. I guarantee you, nothing has EVER happened in my bedroom that might result in pregnancy.
Sat, 16:36: RT @behindyourback: I want to tell a story: Once in high school, I felt insecure, I put on a tight top too low cut and dark lipstick I didn't usually wear. I went to a party drank terrible wine coolers, too many of them. A man asked me if I wanted to leave, I slurred, said maybe. He said "maybe"?…
Sat, 18:13: So is there, like, a fine line between a “bop” and a “banger”? I need a youth glossary.
Fri, 13:51: Metropolitan New York City has roughly 20 million people. Metro Los Angeles, 13 million. With 33 million between the two of them, this means 1 in 10 Americans lives in or around one of just these two cities.
Fri, 14:42: Okay I am listening to Cher's new album of ABBA covers and this may be the gayest experience of my entire life.
Fri, 17:43: Offering a toast in honor of the new girlfriend Laney got for her 61st birthday. She’s swimming in my drink!
Sat, 00:14: 42 years old and went out dancing for the first time in two and a half years. Danced nonstop for more than an hour, now exhausted and wondering if I pulled muscles in both legs. 🤔