-- चार हजार तीन सौ सैंतीस --
What can I tell you about last night? Not much, honestly. Shobhit and I spent the evening at home, and on the whole it was far more harmonious than the previous evening. We made bagel egg sandwiches for dinner, to which we also added veggie breakfast sausages and a bit of spinach. It was quite tasty, and honestly relatively light for a typical dinner. Exciting stuff!
And then we watched three episodes of season two of
Billions. We technically could have watched a fourth but I was like, "Three episodes is enough for one evening." And I commenced to getting ready for bed shortly thereafter.
There was an interesting moment when the character Bobby Axelrod was onscreen and Shobhit said, "I know I'm not rich, but I'm kind of like him, huh?" He was basically referring to Bobby's micromanagement of both his employees
and his marriage, particularly in the context of business and finance. You
think? I mean, at least Shobhit's getting a little self-awareness about it. This was a plot point, and a sticking point, between Bobby and his wife, Lara, and I saw some real parallels there between their marriage and Shobhit's and mine. It was a curious mix of frustration and amusement.
-- चार हजार तीन सौ सैंतीस --
-- चार हजार तीन सौ सैंतीस --
What else? It's cloudy today. Some people -- dumb ones -- might call it "dreary." For a while my weather app was showing a forecast of rain today. Then only for a couple of hours this afternoon. Now all it shows is clouds -- and still, with a forecast high of 67°, actually a few degrees warmer than yesterday.
It's 63° now, and I was one of three people who opted to eat their lunch out on the patio. I have a long-sleeve knit shirt on and found it perfectly pleasant.
-- चार हजार तीन सौ सैंतीस --
In the absence of anything else going on at the moment, should I review what exciting stuff I've got coming up? Not a huge amount, honestly -- at least not in the concentrated way that I had in, say, mid-April when I had both my Birth Week and the Yellowstone trip to look forward to. My potential next two trips remain up in the air regarding their scheduling: a trip with Danielle to visit her friend Jeanna in the woods north of Spokane, and a weekend trip to visit Ivan in Vancouver, B.C. Both of those things could very well not happen clear until September (the trip with Danielle won't happen until then at the very soonest).
Just movies this weekend, really. Independence day is Wednesday next week, which will give the work week an odd look. Watching fireworks will be a bittersweet experience, given the state of the country currently. There is the Annual Family Get-Together at Mason Lake on August 5, that being the most notable thing scheduled within the next six weeks or so. Besides that and the aforementioned two weekend trips, after that it's headed into holiday season. Honestly the summer is looking to be relatively low-key, likely at least until September. Unless something happens to allow for the Vancouver trip earlier, which I suppose would be nice.
Shobhit and I really should start looking at booking travel to Australia next year. I'm not interested in constantly putting it off for one reason or another, when Uncle David and Mary Ann aren't going to be around forever.
-- चार हजार तीन सौ सैंतीस --
[posted 12:30 pm]