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Second Annual Capitol Hill Halloween Displays Tour


I'll have to make this post quick, as Shobhit and I are leaving in about half an hour as I write this—and then it will be on to the no-doubt massive array of photos of Las Vegas over the weekend. For now, I just want a dedicated post to acknowledge Shobhit's and my walk through North Capitol Hill last night, particularly 17th Avenue E and to a slightly lesser degree 18th Avenue E. Like last year, as I did with Alexia during the day on Halloween Day and then with Shobhit again on Halloween Night, we walked all the way up to Galer and back. I just mapped it and it's 1.5 miles to that northernmost point, walking up 17th, and then walking back mostly down 18th makes a total of about three miles walk.

I had enjoyed it so much when I did it last year with Alexia, we agreed we'd do it again this year—of course, I had no idea then that I would be in Las Vegas on Halloween Day itself this year, nor did Alexia have any idea that she'd be in San Antonio this month aiding her ailing dad. So, that's why no walk with Alexia this year. Also, there's no doubt there would have been more to see along this walk on Halloween Night itself, but as I suspected, there was still more than plenty to see last night. I did indeed create a separate, "Halloween Time 2021" photo album on Flickr, with four shots taken of other random things before yesterday—but, right now, 42 of the photos in it are from last night alone. I may add a few random Halloween decorative things from Las Vegas that I may see later today to it.

We even got greeted by a very friendly cat along our walk. It was right by a house's giant blow-up dragon cat—at a house that had a similar but different decoration in its lawn last year.


A lot of the decorations were the same as last year, but there was also a lot of variety and new stuff, which is to be expected in what, compared to where we live anyway, is a very wealthy neighborhood.

I'm really happy to have been able to take the walk before we left town, and Shobhit had happily joined me, thereby giving himself a Social Review point for the day. I think he actually genuinely wanted to walk with me, though. It wasn't just about the point.

We walked back, and I spent a fair amount of the rest of the evening packing for the trip. Ivan had the night off of work, and had gone out to see Dune, which I suspected may have been the case when he was gone as long as he was. Shobhit had thought he went for a walk. When Ivan returned, he came in the door and said, "I'm back! I went to see Dune." I asked, "How did you like it?" and his chipper response was, "It was fine!"

Then he told me he had walked right past me on the sidewalk on his way downtown to see the movie. I was nose deep in the library book I was reading (We All Looked Up by Tommy Wallach) and apparently he wanted to see if I would notice him if he didn't say anything. Well, I didn't, and he never said anything and apparently had just walked on.

Soon after he had eaten the pizza dinner he had brought home, Ivan and I watched episode 8 of American Crime Story: Impeachment while Shobhit studied for his PM exam in the bedroom. This episode gave a lot of focus on Hillary Clinton and I actually think they handled it very well. Two episodes left. I'm glad we got this watched now, so we wouldn't have a backlog of two episodes when I got back next week.

Anyway. Now I've got three photo albums I haven't found the time to caption. But, they do, as always, have tags, and these photos from last night pretty much speak for themselves anyway, if you're so inclined to peruse them.


[posted 8:46 am]