Sat, 15:32: When I was last here, in 2018 with Ivan, the city was choked by wildfire smoke. Today it’s just good old fashioned pollution! 😃 Still way better than last time. (Fourth shot, for comparison, is how the Vancouver view looked in 2018.)
Sat, 19:13: We’re ready for Vancouver Pride tomorrow!
This was only the second pedicure I’ve ever had. They had so many color choices for nail polish I could hardly choose. But then the lady doing my toes said I chose a great color and that it matches my eyes.
Sat, 23:37: Seattle is a bigger city than Vancouver but Vancouver feels bigger because it’s much more densely populated and far more cosmopolitan. Every time I visit this city it’s almost a surprise to be reminded of how much I love it here.
Vancouver also clearly has its shit together right now in a way that Seattle does not. There’s graffiti and homelessness and boarded up windows here and there, just like always, but nowhere near to epidemic degree as in U.S. cities these days, Seattle a notable example among them. No doubt Vancouver has its own problems, but comparatively speaking, this city appears to be thriving—a heartening thing to see.
Sat, 02:38: RT @flawshmeo:
Rest of the country: “haha, 90°, nbd that’s not a heat wave”
Seattle:>Seattle: *crashes plane into alki*
*crashes ferry into terminal*
*propane truck explodes on I5*
We all deal with the heat a little differently 🥵
Sat, 06:54:
Bullshit Heat, Day 4
Weighing the pros and cons of just having someone kill me