Thursday, January 11
You'd think the people in Finance had never seen hail before!
Thursday, January 18
Shobhit and I browse the mostly empty aisles of the Downtown PCC store, which would permanently close the next day—coincidentally, on the two-year anniversary of its Grand Opening.
Sunday, February 18
When Shobhit, my friend Danielle, and I all went to the Madonna concert at Climate Pledge Arena, we parked at our office building, since it was easy free parking there, and then easily walked to the arena. First, we went up to the office to use the bathroom. I always liked the view of the Seattle Great Wheel from down the office hallway, and at night with all the lights off, I just thought it made for a lovely, colorful view.
Monday, February 19
Mark F emailed out a photo of this unprecedented sign program glitch and I was so astonished I had to save the image for posterity. And then, after I suggested to him that the sign program was haunted, he sent the actual tag to me in the courier.
Friday, February 23
It's not every day that you see a flood in your 5th floor office.
Thursday, April 18
Portrait of Jeff C at
his retirement party. Which is, perhaps, the wrong term: he went on to embark on
a different venture. I suppose it was more accurately a "Going Away Party."
Earlier that month, I recorded a video of him and me
greeting each other the way we'd been doing for a solid 20 years. And now I will share the very specific history behind that: it actually started with how he and Harvey, another beloved office staff person who left PCC in 2004(!), used to greet each other. They would say each other's names to each other, in an exaggeratedly deep voice: "Harvey Varga." "Jeff C*x." Then one day Jeff greeted me in the same deep-voiced enunciation of my full name, and I responded with a more high-pitched, nasal tone, just to switch it up, which cracked him up. And thus this oddball tradition was born.
Thursday, July 11
One of these cows suddenly leapt up and shouted "Haylent Green is Cattle!"
I'm kidding! If any of these cows are inadvertent cannibals (cattlebals?), nobody said anything about it. Instead, they voluntarily walked right up to be
milked by robots. Not creepy at all!
This was on a
tour of Styger Family Dairy, one of many Organic Valley farms in the Northwest.
Wednesday, July 24
A beautiful day for a Summer Office Barbecue.
Wednesday, August 7
Pricing & Promotions Team photo with Gabby, Amy and myself, at the Smith Tower Observatory Bar, celebrating my 22nd anniversary with PCC (which technically was on August 5).
Thursday, August 15
Amanda, myself, Amy and Gabby, in front of one of Wilc*x Family Farms' many mobile hen houses, on my second
tour of Wilc*x Family Farms in as many years.
Thursday, August 29
I really, really love this shot. Tracy gave his phone to a staffer at
Titanic: The Exhibition to take of us all right before we went in. After I asked Tracy to send it to me, I told him it's the kind of shot a whole lot of us will look at nostalgically decades from now.
As of this date, there are 26 people in Merchandising. There are 21 in this photo, and two who came to the event but for some reason did not get in this shot: Benny, and Cathryn. Three people in Merchandising did not make it at all: Amy (who sat it out because she had already gone to this recently), Beth, and Stephen (not to be confused with Steven, who
is in this shot).
It would sure be great if we could one day get a shot this good with all 26 of us. It's too bad Tristan and Amanda are turned around here but whatever, you can't have everything.
Saturday, October 5
Big news! Probably the biggest news of 2024 for PCC: we are
reopening our Downtown store, in late summer 2025. I took the above photo of the business tenant directory at Rainier Square Tower while showing my cousin and her boyfriend around on a Saturday in October. It's that large, unlabeled space in the center. That's what the Downtown store used to be, anyway—when it reopens, the unprecedented "small format store" will occupy only the lengthwise space to the right of it, with a width maybe 2/3 that of where it has a wall along the street. The rest of the space, to the left? That's going to be our new Central Office location.
Thursday, October 31
I joined the Office Relocation Project Team (perhaps we should start calling it
Orpt), which is made up of one representative from each department, to be a liaison between this team and the respective departments. This meant I got to go with the team on a site visit to the old Downtown store, still locked up and filled with a lot of the furniture and fixtures that were there when the store closed in January. Here we stand in what used to be the store's public seating area and what
will be the new office location's kitchen / break room, the only part of the office which will have natural light through windows to the outside.
It's still a great location though, and that makes up for a lot!
Friday, November 8
I got tricked by an email phishing test. I am always so proud of myself when I catch them, and then I feel like such an idiot when I fall for one. And when that happens, I have to watch another stupid cyber safety training video. But guess what, while I watched all I could think about was this man's smoldering good looks. He deserves a better gig than this!
Friday, November 15
A tiny duck! Since sometime last year, someone has been placing these in odd little places around the office, just to be discovered. No one knows who is doing it. The mystery remains unsolved.
Originally I had used this shot from June, but then I saw this duck in November and I really like this shot. I even started a photo album of these sightings, which now seem to be branching into new species.
Thursday, November 21
Oh and I also got selected as one of the three Q3 "
Office Stars." No big deal! I suspect few people actually read these anyway. I mean, I almost never do. Some "Office Star" I am! Boy have I got all these people duped. BWAHAHAHAHA
Wednesday, December 4
Wonderful group shot out on our office balcony, at the annual "PCC Foraged Feast"
holiday potluck—traditionally our "office Thanksgiving," but scheduled in December due to a variety of factors. I'd say let's play "Where's Matthew?" but I kind of stick out more than most in this group (or any group, really). This is a group of about 40 people, roughly a third of our total office staff, most of whom do not work in the office every day since returning to offices after the pandemic.
I'm tempted to complain about this getting scheduled in December after Thanksgiving, rather than in November before Thanksgiving as has been done most years in the past, but I'm just grateful it still happened at all. This was our last one at the current office location, and how we can pull off anything similar at the new, much smaller office in the future is still very much an open question. Still, this did mean that we never got a separate, December holiday office event like usual, settling on this as a kind of hybrid of the two, and it bums me out a little not to get separate events in both November and December. But it's better than nothing!
Justine, Amanda and Cathryn hang out at Seattle Art Museum's "
Joyce J. Scott: Walk a Mile in My Dreams" exhibit—still on display, through January 19, I highly recommend it! That said, this served as our Merchandising Department "holiday social" this year. It was
so Christmasy! (It was not at all Christmasy.) I think I might have enjoyed it more than anyone else in our group, actually. Everyone was done and ready to go after about an hour, and I could have spent twice that much time there, if not more.
Look at this beautiful picture of us! We should start a band. Move over, Wilson Phillips! We are Taylor McBui.
Anyway. Big day for Merchandising, December 4: all-office "Foraged Feast" in the late morning and early afternoon; department museum outing in the afternoon; and then, at my suggestion, out for Happy Hour at
The Fonté Bar, so we could have some more directly social time on the day of our holiday outing. I even made the reservations myself, over my Thanksgiving break, I am so dedicated!
I could have used
this photo of the seven
other coworkers who went up to Fonté Bar ahead of us and staked the seats around a marble coffee table by the fireplace, but, with all due respect to all those other wonderful people, it's just not as good a shot as this one. Also, we can't help it if we're the prettiest. Get over it!
Fonté Bar is on the second floor, shared lobby space at Rainier Square by the way, beneath Rainier Square Tower, and directly above what will next year be our new office space.
Tuesday, December 24
Bonus! A little supplier anecdote for the end of your year: I was combing through my unread email messages after returning from PTO I took the four weekdays prior to Christmas (giving myself a full week off), and found one sent on Christmas Eve from Dale at our egg supplier W----- Family Farms, apologizing for having sent the wrong link in an email he had sent out the previous Friday, December 20.
First I must tell you what he'd written in the original email:
Hello everyone,
All of us at W----- Family Farms wants to thank you for your support throughout 2024, and we wish you all a merry Christmas & New Year!
See below link, to a special W----- Christmas video…it includes W-----’s from the 5th, 4th & 3rd generations.
Then, in the follow-up email the following Tuesday (Christmas Eve), with a corrected link, he wrote, in part:
This is the video that I thought I was sending out this past Friday.
But instead, I sent the Christmas video with Santa enjoying a W----- hardboiled egg.
I laughed so hard when I read this. It's a delightful note to end the year on.